Sunday, September 12, 2010

3rd 'Goldilocks Omen' triggered for 2010 - China

Here it comes. Yes China set the 3rd 'Goldilocks Omen' for 2010. I think this will be the last then it's all fucking down hill for the Chinese economy. Still some economists who get off on the 'Keynesian' illusion' believe the custodians and planners of economic sustainability (China), have got it sorted. But even though China reported a smaller trade surplus, with imports surging over a 'small' decline in exports. The belief is the Chinese are managing their economy quite nicely. We know it's bullshit, the biggest economic manipulators in history (The Chinese) have massaged the figures the best they can, and created a somewhat ok trade data, or a 'Goldilocks' impression.

The problem is, the Chinese now either have to increase interest rates quite rapidly (to get a handle on inflation, even though the Chinese statistics indicated 'mild' inflation backed up by butnut economists guessing (...yeah right and you have Chinese cab drivers buying up, not just one but two, 'zombie' fucking brainiacs) or fix the Yuan higher against the USD and get moving in establishing a trade balance with the USA. If this doesn't happening quickly, like right now, Obama and Congress will go into a full scale trade war and the 1st major protectionism cannons will fire off. It will get nasty and this should effect the markets significantly.

So a 3rd Goldilocks Omen has been triggered for 2010.

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