Wednesday, July 14, 2010

China is about to crash: GDP q2 at 10.3% and falling

So we have a 11.1% hit the wires, traders got confused with the H1 (11.1%) figure (the confusion was that they thought it was a surge over the 10.5% q2 figure y/y prior) and bought up risk assets (which were selling prior to the release); but then the figure of the current q2 10.3% hit the wires and it was back to selling again.

Then, we have some (small number) bring up the 'Goldilocks syndrome' for an economy, stable inflation/moderate growth; even a few traders from Shanghai (where else) saying the same.

Problem is the 'Goldilocks' call was made in 2006/07 on the US economy before it, well... you know what happened (US crashed in 2008)

Check this video report from CBS news, US in a 'Goldilocks' economy (2006/7)

A fucking omen.

Short position/s will start to light up, not so much in China; but Brazil/Australia/South Africa/Argentina/Canada: all over priced stock markets with high yield/s FX etc

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