And we still have riots/turmoil in the middle east, namely Egypt; which on all reports started or was ignited by the cost of food and living expenses increasing. Now with sugar spiking, also not to forget meat exports to the middle east falling off from Australia (also related to cyclone 'Yasi'), which in turn will effect meat/live export futures (upward price spikes). Flash point tensions (middle east) could get far worst as the inflation squeeze on food will now exasperate from natural disasters that have hit Australia.

+1.35 +3.98% Volume 80,122 Feb 2, 2011, 1:59 p.m. Previous close 33.93 ¢ 35.28 ¢ Change +1.35 +3.98% Day low 34¢ Day high 36¢ Open: 34.10
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