Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Could Asia go into a depression? (update 1)

Could Asia go into a depression? (update 1)

This will be a new blog post (continuously) until Asia 'officially' recovers. The title of the post will be Could Asia go into a depression?. In light of the rather tiring dialogue about an Asian recovery pulling the world out of recession. This is simply not happening, there is a prolonged slump in Asia that could become a domestic problem especially for their banks, in which they were able to dodge the subprime (US) bullet. However like Spain's well capitalised banks, the domestic 'bullet' will not be dodged.

Institutional investors are mindlessly locked in on an upswing of political 'goodnews' rhetoric (yes politicians have successful rallied markets, - hence the recent rallies. Note recently UK's Chancellor Alistair Darling saying that UK will return to growth in 2009

These posts are for the everyday trader, to judge for themselves when a buying time will be right for Asia. So it's bad news until good news arrives.

  • Japans GDP drops -4.0% worst drop in economic contraction recorded in history

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